Will be updated soon. ;)
hope u guys like it, although im not in the picture huhu
Function | Event Date |
Belajar menguruskan jenazah | Dec |
Tuesday, 29th April 2008 was another outing day for chm-ers. Well only for us who's having holiday tho :p
I was kinda craving for ambuyat, and asked amin to come along for ambuyat. Then we had CHM group chat the night before, so we decided to ask jims to come along. Went to pick up Amin first at UBD around 1245. Then made our way to kilanas to pick Jims. We went to Seri Balai food in Batu Bersurat, and it took us around 10-15 mins to look for parking.
- Our "cute" pose hehe taken while we were on our way to Batu bersurat
Once we got our parking, we went straight to the restaurant and order the ambuyat ^_^ set biasa utk 2 org which includes:
- Ikan (goreng or kuah)
- Cacah
- Urat
- Sayur
- Ulam
- The ambuyat!! entah tangan sapakah tu kan mencungkil ah! :p
- Amin asking me what should he order for his drink -_-"
- And this was how i look in reponse to Amin's question lols!
- Me enjoying ambuyat...my hand was "mencungkil" ambuyat at that time!
- And this is how Amin's look like enjoying the ambuyat and the fish of course lols
oh yeah, during that time, there were some government officers in the restaurant as well and i was lyk "min,cuba ko tagur durang ah alum durang kan masuk ofis?" lols..but yeah c'mon it was already 2pm!
Then after finish with our ambuyat, we went to cruising around bandar (meliat2 bandar bah, baik jua) which include kiulap and of course gadong.
- Amin took pic of himself (he jus loves being vain!)
We stop at the mall (again!) and went to see some of the exhibition booth. Then c jims was like hinting about icecream :p so we went to swensen!!
i ordered gold rush and both amin n jims eventually just ordered the same thing -_-" (different flavors of course!) Amin ordered chicken baked rice since his stomach still have some spaces for food lols! Jims and i waited for a few minutes and ordered something for ourselves as well :p
Jims ordered fish n chips while i ordered crayfish pasta!
- Jims and i with our cute pose at swensen! lols!
- Amin having a hard time on deciding what to order -_-"
- Me with my pose -_-"
- Jims with her "cute" pose
- me and amin enjoying our gold rush!
- The prawn from my crayfish dish!Amin took it!
- See! he took my prawn and ate it! hmph!
- Jims enjoying her fish n chip
then we headed to surau for asar & maghrib prayer. After that went to komunis to buy some dvds!Went back to mall accompanying jims waiting for her mum (aunty milah). Thats it, me and amin went back home and jims with aunty milah.
p/s: to all chm-ers, next outing for chm will be satay-ing!!!