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*barangsiapa yg ingin mengadakan Ratib Al-Attas di kediaman mereka boleh menghubungi chairman kita

easikad boleh didapati arah Hamizan, Hasbulhadi dan Amin. Pesanan khas buleh juga tekan pada gambar Card di Bawah... tQ

kepada ahli keluarga yg ingin meminjam buku tahlil dan rattib al attas dari committee cihm boleh menghubungi chairman kita atau vice chairman

Monday, April 28, 2008

From Hana @ Jim


Hello CHM-ers!!

For more pictures and photos on our last two days activities please check out to

I am very lazy to upload the pictures here as it takes hours and hours to finish uploading. Sorry =)

i'll do it when I'm freeeeeeeeee.....

lovelove, Jim!