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Belajar menguruskan jenazah Dec


*barangsiapa yg ingin mengadakan Ratib Al-Attas di kediaman mereka boleh menghubungi chairman kita

easikad boleh didapati arah Hamizan, Hasbulhadi dan Amin. Pesanan khas buleh juga tekan pada gambar Card di Bawah... tQ

kepada ahli keluarga yg ingin meminjam buku tahlil dan rattib al attas dari committee cihm boleh menghubungi chairman kita atau vice chairman

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Last Update from Sydney-siders 2008

Salam to my AIHM & CIHM-ers family in Brunei...

For those who feel stress out ryt now wiv the upcoming exams or projects or assignments due or perhaps nervous for the upcoming presentation.. Then dis is your chance to have a look on my latest activity on how my colleagues and I released our tension from stress of revision for the exams.. hehehhe... (to the parents out there, jgn mare ye..)

So, we went to.....

Sapa nampak brapa harga ticket atu.*sssshhhhhtttt* jgn bising ah~

I left you guys wiv the pics to do the talking again, ayte?

1) Before the concert

  • Vaining at the train station sambil2 menunggu d ryt train 2 arrive...

  • Upon arrival at the place called Olympic Park, Sydney Australia

mengisi perut yg lapar dlu~

  • Inside ACER ARENA stadium ( & I'm proud to be the acer laptop user... hhehehehe)

2) During the concert

3) After the concert

Ngalih jua sudah tu bui~

More pics can be found in here...

and the video captured last nyt.. I lyk~....

Some videos boleh di liat di sini...
To answer ur question sis gdah, bahapa membazir duit lagi beli souvenirs from the concert.. yg penting the memories I treasured from watching the concert atu lah... so that I can share wiv all of u... Nda ja? hehehheeh :)

Ok lah... I better go now... tym for revision.. wish me luck and pray for my success AIHM & CIHM family- ku...

Sydney Australia.