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*barangsiapa yg ingin mengadakan Ratib Al-Attas di kediaman mereka boleh menghubungi chairman kita

easikad boleh didapati arah Hamizan, Hasbulhadi dan Amin. Pesanan khas buleh juga tekan pada gambar Card di Bawah... tQ

kepada ahli keluarga yg ingin meminjam buku tahlil dan rattib al attas dari committee cihm boleh menghubungi chairman kita atau vice chairman

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

HOW TO's: Creating tables in the blog

Rabu10.00amBandar Seri Begawan

Assalamualaikum! I would like to share a fairly easy way to create tables such as the one posted above, for the blog (assuming you need to post timetables or results of sport events and etc)using Microsoft Excel. The file was originally created by Jeff Lewis, and I edited it a little so that it can be utilised to post tables, with the properties and such in our blog.

I will try to explain it a simple as possible. Here are the steps which I took to create the table shown above:

1) You need to download this Excel File. [Link]

2) Macro must be enabled. In Microsoft Excel 2007, this can be done by clicking on the button "Options" and consequently enabling Macro to be run by the file.

3) Type in the data that you want. You can type it anywhere in the file (as long as you highlight/select it later).

4) Once you are done, highlight or select the text. This can be done using the Shift button and arrow keys combination, or by clicking on the top left most cell using your mouse, then while holding Shift, click on the bottom right most cell.

5) Then press the "Convert" button.

6) A HTML code should appear below in the empty box (assuming you enabled Macro).Copy the text from the box below (Highlight [Click on text and press Ctrl-A] and Copy [Ctrl-C].

7) Paste [Ctrl-V] the text into your post. Make sure you are posting it as HTML!

8) Publish your post, and you're done! :)

I hope you find this guide and tool to be helpful.

Credits: [Jeff Lewis]


Brunei Kumbang said...

wow, Rage ur give great affort with this valueble execel...good share.

share begini merupakan suatu ilmu yg dsumbangkan sangat bernilai bagi menambah ilmiah tertentu..syabaz

dharapkan pihak AJKT CIHM mengambil sesitif dgnnya, saya cadangkan dmasa tertentu or gathering nanti dapat dtunjuk ajar melalui projektor kalau blh, supaya kita semua dpt mendapt ilmu dgnnya dan terus dgunakn pada waktu2 tertentu dn yg sewilayah dgn nya..
